State/UTs Goverment Audit Report


Total 8 Documents

  • 2024
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India on Poola Subbaiah Veligonda Project. Government of Andhra Pradesh
Year 2024
Report No. 4
State Andhra Pradesh
Sector: Civil Audit

Report of the C&AG of India on Poola Subbaiah Veligonda Project. Government of Andhra Pradesh

  • 2023
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India for the year ended 31 March 2021 . Government of Madhya Pradesh (Report No.5 of 2023)
Year 2023
Report No. 5
Sector: Civil Audit

Report of the C&AG of India for the year ended 31 March 2021 . Government of Madhya Pradesh (Report No.5 of 2023)

  • 2023
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India on State PSE for the year ended 31 March 2022. Government of Assam (Report No.3 of 2023)
Year 2023
Report No. 3
State Assam
Sector: Civil Audit

Report of the C&AG of India on State PSE for the year ended 31 March 2022. Government of Assam (Report No.3 of 2023)

  • 2023
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India on Local Bodies for the period 2017-18 to 2020-21. Government of Assam(Report No.2 of 2023)
Year 2023
Report No. 2
State Assam
Sector: Civil Audit

Report of the C&AG of India on Local Bodies for the period 2017-18 to 2020-21. Government of Assam(Report No.2 of 2023)

  • 2023
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India on Direct Benefit Transfer in Jharkhand. Government of Jharkhand (Report No.3 of 2023)
Year 2023
Report No. 3
State Jharkhand
Sector: Civil Audit

Report of the C&AG of India on Direct Benefit Transfer in Jharkhand. Government of Jharkhand (Report No.3 of 2023)

  • 2023
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India on Performance Audit on (MIDC). Government of Jharkhand (Report No.5 of 2023)
Year 2023
Report No. 5
State Madhya Pradesh
Sector: Civil Audit

Report of the C&AG  of India on Performance Audit on (MIDC). in the industrial development of Maharashtra. Government of Jharkhand (Report No.5 of 2023)

  • 2022
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India on General, Social, Economic for the year ended 31 March 2022. Government of Manipur(Report No.2 of 2023)
Year 2022
Report No. 2
State Manipur
Sector: Civil Audit

Report of the C&AG of India on General, Social, Economic (Other than State Public Sector Enterprises), Economic (State PSE) and Revenue Sectors for the year ended 31 March 2022. Government of Manipur(Report No.2 of 2023)

  • 2022
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India on State Finance for the year ended 31 March 2022. Government of Jharkhand (Report No.4 of 2023)
Year 2022
Report No. 4
Sector: Civil Audit

Report of the C&AG of India on State Finance for the year ended 31 March 2022. Government of Jharkhand (Report No.4 of 2023)