Union Goverment Audit Report

Financial Audit Report

Total 618 Documents

  • 2021
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India on Department of Revenue (Indirect Taxes-Goods and Services Tax, Central Excise and Service Tax) Report No. 1 of 2021
Year 2021
Report Unique ID 7635
Sector: Financial Audit

Report of the C&AG of India on Department of Revenue for the year ended March 2019 and March 2020 (Indirect Taxes-Goods and Services Tax, Central Excise and Service Tax) Report No. 1 of 2021

  • 2020
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India for the year 2018-19 on Accounts (Financial Audit), Union Government (Report No.4 of 2020)
Year 2020
Report Unique ID 6782
Sector: Financial Audit

Report of the C&AG of India for the year 2018-19 on Accounts (Financial Audit), Union Government (Report No.4 of 2020)

  • 2019
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India for the year 2017-18 on Financial Audit on Accounts of the Union Government, Union Government (Report No.2 of 2019)
Year 2019
Report Unique ID 727
Sector: Financial Audit

Report of the C&AG of India for the year 2017-18 on Financial Audit on Accounts of the Union Government, Union Government (Report No.2 of 2019)

  • 2017
  • Civil
Report of the CAG of India for the year 2016-17 on Accounts of the Union Government (Report No.44 of 2017) (Hindi)
Year 2017
Report Unique ID 1662
Sector: Financial Audit

Report of the CAG of India for the year 2016-17 on Accounts of the Union Government,Union Government

  • 2017
  • Commercial
Report of the C&AG of India for the year ended March 2016 on (Department of Revenue – Customs) (Compliance Audit), Union Government (Rep No. 1 of 2017)
Year 2017
Report Unique ID 2495
Sector: Financial Audit

Report of the C&AG of India for the year ended March 2016 on (Department of Revenue – Customs) (Compliance Audit), Union Government (Rep No. 1 of 2017)

  • 2017
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India for the year ended March 2016 on Implementation of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009, Union Government (Civil) (Rep No. 23 of 2017)Hindi
Year 2017
Report Unique ID 3044
Sector: Financial Audit

Report of the C&AG of India for the year ended March 2016 on Implementation of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009, Union Government (Civil) (Rep No. 23 of 2017)Hindi

  • 2016
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India for the year 2015-16 on Financial Audit on Accounts of the Union Government, Union Government (Report No. 34 of 2016)
Year 2016
Report Unique ID 1828
Sector: Financial Audit

Report of the C&AG of India for the year 2015-16 on Financial Audit on Accounts of the Union Government, Union Government (Report No. 34 of 2016)

  • 2016
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India for the year ended March 2015 on Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Audit of Scheme Rules 2011, Union Government (Civil) (Report No. 8 of 2016)
Year 2016
Report Unique ID 1849
Sector: Financial Audit

Report of the C&AG of India for the year ended March 2015 on Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Audit of Scheme Rules 2011, Union Government (Civil) (Report No. 8 of 2016)

  • 2016
  • Defence
Report of the C&AG of India for the year ended March 2015 on Air Force, Union Government (Defence Services) (Report No. 18 of 2016)
Year 2016
Report Unique ID 1873
Sector: Financial Audit

Report of the C&AG of India for the year ended March 2015 on Air Force, Union Government (Defence Services) (Report No. 18 of 2016)