Manuals/ Books/ Others

Total 27 Documents

  • 1984
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India for the year 1983-84 on Budget Estimates and Actuals of the Union, Union Governments(State and Union Territory)
Year 1984
Sector: Civil Audit

Report of the C&AG of India for the year 1983-84 on Budget Estimates and Actuals of the Union, Union Governments(State and Union Territory)

  • 1955
  • Civil
Office of the C&AG of India for the year 1955 on Audit Code, First Edition(Reprint)
Year 1955
Sector: Financial Audit

Office of the C&AG of India for the year 1955 on Audit Code, First Edition(Reprint)

  • 1955
  • Civil
Office of the C&AG of India for the year 1955 on Manual of the Higher Audit Department, Government of Kerala (Issued By the Comptroller Cochin)(First-Edition)
Year 1955
State Kerala
Sector: Financial Audit

Office of the C&AG of India for the year 1955 on Manual of the Higher Audit Department, Government of Kerala (Issued By the Comptroller Cochin)(First-Edition)

  • 1949
Constituent Assembly Debates Volume VIII 30 May 1949 - Discussion on draft Constitution of India relating to provisions of C&AG of India
Year 1949

Constituent Assembly Debates Volume VIII 30 May 1949 - Discussion on draft Constitution of India relating to provisions of C&AG of India - Discussion on Amendment No. 1975 to 1982 and Speech of Dr. B R Ambedkar on constitutional provisions relating to C&AG of India

  • 1940
  • Civil
An Introduction to Indian Government Accounts and Audit, Second Edition
Year 1940
Sector: Financial Audit

An Introduction to Indian Government Accounts and Audit, Second Edition. Issued under the authority of the Auditor General of India.

  • 1935
Government of India Act 1935
Year 1935

Government of India Act 1935 - Provisions relating to Audit and Accounts was made part of Government of India Act 1935

  • 1934
  • Civil
Audit Code, Appendix 16, Second Edition (Revised)
Year 1934
Sector: Financial Audit

Audit Code, Appendix 16, Second Edition (Revised). Instructions for the preparation of Appropriation Accounts and the Report of the Audit Officer thereon.

  • 1929
  • Civil
Audit Code, Vol-1, First Edition (Reprint)
Year 1929
Sector: Other

Audit Code, Vol-1, First Edition, 1928 issued by the authority of Auditor General in India. Embodying all corrections issued to First Edition upto 30th November 1928.

  • 1929
Audit Code Volume-II Appendices and Forms, First Edition (Reprint)
Year 1929
Sector: Other

Audit Code Volume-II Appendices and Forms, First Edition (Reprint), issued by authority of the Auditor General in India. Embodying all corrections up to 30th November 1928.
