Manuals/ Books/ Others

Total 27 Documents

  • 1928
Compilation of Audit Rulings
Year 1928
Sector: Other

Compilation of Audit Rulings. Issued by authority of the Auditor General in India

  • 1926
Manual of Audit Instructions
Year 1926
Sector: Other

Manual of Audit Instructions. Issued by authority of the Auditor General in India.

  • 1925
An Introduction to Indian Government Audit, Second Edition
Year 1925
Sector: Other

An Introduction to Indian Government Audit, Second Edition. Corrected up to 1st May 1925. 

  • 1924
Audit Code, Appendix-7
Year 1924
Sector: Other

Audit Code, Appendix - 7

  • 1922
Audit Code 1922.
Year 1922
Sector: Other

Audit Code. Issued by authority of the Auditor General in India

  • 1887
Circulars of the Accounts General Bengal in force in April 1887
Year 1887
State West Bengal
Sector: Other

Circulars of the Accounts General Bengal in force in April 1887

  • 1887
Method of Selection for Gazzetted appointments in the Financial Department of the Govt of India (1887)
Year 1887

Formation of a General Department of Account including the offices of Audit, Pay and Account on 4th December 1857 and Methods of selection for Gazetted Appointments in the Financial Department of the Government of India

  • 1880
Circulars of the Accountant General Bengal in force in February 1880
Year 1880
State West Bengal
Sector: Other

Circulars of the Accountant General Bengal in force in February 1880

  • 1864
Circulars Orders of the Accountant General Bengal from the year 1864
Year 1864
State West Bengal
Sector: Other

Circulars Orders of the Accountant General Bengal from the year 1864 to 1869
