State/UTs Goverment Audit Report


Total 9 Documents

  • 1998
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India for the year ended 31 March 1998, Government of Meghalaya 66 0
Year 1998
Branch Civil
State Meghalaya
Sector: Performance Audit
Report Unique Id: 4148
  • 1997
  • Commercial
Report of the C&AG of India for the year ended 31 March 1997 on Commercial, Government of West Bengal (Report no.2) 49 0
Report No. 2
Year 1997
Branch Commercial
State West Bengal
Sector: Performance Audit
Report Unique Id: 4581
  • 1996
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India for the year ended 31 March 1996 on Civil, Government of Maharashtra(Report No.3) 61 0
Report No. 3
Year 1996
Branch Civil
State Maharashtra
Sector: Performance Audit
Report Unique Id: 2839
  • 1996
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India for the year ended 31 March 1996 on Civil, Government of Madhya Pradesh(Report No.3) 61 0
Report No. 3
Year 1996
Branch Civil
State Madhya Pradesh
Sector: Performance Audit
Report Unique Id: 538
  • 1996
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India for the year ended 31 March 1996, Government of Tripura 88 0
Year 1996
Branch Civil
State Tripura
Sector: Performance Audit
Report Unique Id: 543
  • 1996
  • Civil
  • 1996
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India for the year 1995-96 on Garo Hills Autonomous District Council Trua, Government of Meghalaya 49 0
Year 1996
Branch Civil
State Meghalaya
Sector: Performance Audit
Report Unique Id: 5803
  • 1995
  • Civil
Report of the C&AG of India for the year ended 31 March 1995 on Revenue Receipts, Government of Maharashtra(Report No.1) 65 0
Report No. 1
Year 1995
Branch Civil
State Maharashtra
Sector: Performance Audit
Report Unique Id: 5483